Reverse Animation on Hover Out Interaction

Currently when you build a hover animation you have to return all the elements to their original position manually on the Hover Out state. A "Reverse Animation" checkbox would quickly get all the assets where they need to be. After clicking the checkbox the designer could then tweak timing, etc. 

  • Loren Tracy
  • Dec 7 2017
  • Jan commented
    February 08, 2024 10:01

    Is this solved?

    From my understanding, I have to set the "hover out" state first so I can just use the postion and style as I arranged it in the styling panel and check the "intitial state" checkbox on each animation, after that I duplicate the animation and use it for the "hover in" state and uncheck the "initial state" boxes and set the values as I want. (not sure if this is smart, sounds like the same effort :))))

  • Info Cannovum commented
    March 24, 2023 14:01


  • Jeff Berube commented
    March 22, 2023 18:04

    +1. This would save a lot of time.

  • Žarko Kuvalja commented
    March 09, 2023 15:43

    Bump on this as it would be great.

  • Robert Taylor commented
    January 29, 2022 11:45

    Uncheck the initial state checkbox on each of the items, this gives you a set of actions to return to the original state kizi

  • Tracy Tracy commented
    November 24, 2021 04:20

    I still can't follow the instructions. It says error, can someone help me?

  • Josh Walker commented
    April 06, 2018 21:10

    Needing this right now. 

  • John Sherwin commented
    December 17, 2017 12:25

    Actually a reasonable workflow on this is:

    - When setting up your hover interactions include a set of initial states so you can keep track of them

    - When making the hover out interaction duplicate the hover interaction and delete the actions retaining the initial states

    - Uncheck the initial state checkbox on each of the items, this gives you a set of actions to return to the original state


    Not as good as a "reverse animation" button but quicker than re-selecting and formatting all elements.

  • John Sherwin commented
    December 17, 2017 12:21

    This would save a lot of time, particularly for complex interactions on hover.

  • +43