Publish / Unpublish individual pages

I'd like to be able to un-publish individual pages, or at least prevent certain pages from being published.

A few scenarios I need this for:

  • When I begin creating a page, but need to make and publish changes to other pages in the meantime (and don't want my half-finished page/s publishing)
  • Pages I no longer want visible on the site (promotions, replaced content etc)
  • A/B Testing for marketing

Currently I'm preventing the pages being accessible by password protecting, and adding the nofollow/index meta to them, as they still appear on the sitemap.xml, even with password protection.

  • Dylan Johnston
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Reviewed
  • Apr 24, 2018

    Admin response

    Update 04/24/18:

    Hi! As of yesterday, we released the feature "Drafted pages" allowing you to draft static pages preventing it from being published to your live site. Learn more here

    Update 03/12/18:
    Hi Everyone! Though we haven't pushed out the ability to publish/unpublish individual static pages yet, we have added the ability to publish single CMS items. This will allow you to update these CMS pages without having to worry about any WIP changes in your project. Learn more here

  • Yassin Elamin commented
    July 17, 2024 04:39

    Hey guys, idk if this helps but I solved this for indvidual non-CMS pages (because that's what I was looking for) so you just essentially on the page settings click on the save drop down and click save as a draft- it will unpublish the page next time you publish. And to the webflow team i really recommend changing that name lol. Something like save a copy and unpublish is waaay better.

  • OKAPI STUDIO commented
    March 18, 2024 20:09

    The issue was first mentioned in 2017 and we still can not benefit of this fundamental feature... Planning on fixing this?

  • Charles Bgr commented
    November 28, 2023 18:00


  • KINASTIC Marketing commented
    November 07, 2023 12:35

    I copied the page as a draft and deleted the original. Thats a way to keep the original page without it being published anymore. not very elegant but it worked for what i was trying to achieve: just removing some of the pages i dont longer want to have published.

  • Greg Cappello commented
    May 04, 2023 17:59

    Does anyone have a workaround for this? I would simply like to delete a page with the option to re-publish at some point and not trash it forever. Duplicate the whole site? Would I be able to later bring the page back in from a separate site, or no?

  • Jenny commented
    March 23, 2023 20:01

    Not having this fundamental capability is a major pain point right now...

  • Rory Braatvedt commented
    March 06, 2023 20:14

    We need this feature for static pages. When working on a new design for a core page of the website, I basically cannot publish ANY other changes made to ANY other pages except CMS... I have clients questioning if this is the right tool for the job.

  • Maggie Tagoe commented
    January 17, 2023 02:51

    Really shocked that Webflow does not allow you to select which static pages to publish. What a disappointment. Please add this feature.

  • Jeff Couturier commented
    October 12, 2022 18:30

    As a dev, it's insane to me that this isn't a basic feature. What kind of mess is lurking under the hood that makes it this difficult to un-publish a static page?

  • Jimmy Cameron commented
    September 16, 2022 10:55

    has this been resolved? Pathetic if not, seems like an easy fix and everyone clearly wants it.

  • Brian Aberle commented
    June 10, 2022 01:38

    I'm not an expert web designer, but a business owner currently using Squarespace. Within Squarespace, I can take a single page, work on a draft for that page and bring it back online without blowing up the entire site. How is that not an option within Webflow still? Do visitors to the site get to watch us do live updates to the site pages while we're working on it? In 2022?

  • Admin
    Webflow Admin commented
    June 04, 2022 00:27

    You're correct. This is available for CMS pages/items and not static pages. Reopened the idea.

  • Gareth Reynolds commented
    June 03, 2022 05:49
    Shipped—Remove CMS content without publishing your entire site

    This is cool although it doesn't solve the original idea. The above only works for CMS content. The original idea is that it's on a per page level. You can publish one single page without publishing every page. This way you can work on updating multiple pages at the same time and not have to worry about other page updates going live half finished.

  • Admin
    Webflow Admin commented
    June 02, 2022 21:52
  • Studio DNVR commented
    April 01, 2022 21:15

    Regarding publishing individual pages instead of the entire site, this is what the Webflow support told me:

    "...At the moment, you aren't able to publish individual static pages on your Webflow project.

    This feature limitation is known by the team, though I agree that this could be an awesome feature to have in Webflow, I have no timeline to share at the moment as to when this will be possible. My apologies for any inconvenience this may cause..."

  • Gareth Reynolds commented
    March 21, 2022 18:16

    Just to agree with people that say in reality the solution implemented for this particular request doesn't really solve the issue.

    The idea should be that when working on a project with multiple team members on a website with many pages, it should be possible to make changes to many live pages but only publish the updates for pages that are ready. Saving a page as a draft would take an already live page offline.

    By doing the above, this would allow you to make changes to other pages and not worry about them going live/being published before they are ready.

    Not necessarily directly related to this feature and can kind of be solved by using work arounds such as Git but would be good if there was just better version management in general. I feel this would benefit a lot of teams that are more than just one or two members.

  • Ben Schweitzer commented
    March 17, 2022 23:00

    The current implementation of this feature is not a viable solution for most users, especially businesses with teams. If the page I am drafting already exists on the live site, upon publishing, that draft page will disappear from your live site. I am drafting a new version of an existing page--it doesn't mean you remove the old live page.

  • CabbageApps commented
    March 14, 2022 05:36

    ADMINS, any update on this?
    This is not shipped!

  • Angel Torres commented
    March 08, 2022 14:28

    Wow, is this really not being tackled yet? How is this marked shipped? - Admins please address.

  • Adamant commented
    February 28, 2022 17:54

    Crazy. Fix this.

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