Enable name change for layers and items in the navigation bar

This'll enable us to better manage the layers and know which item is which...

  • Tal Pistol
  • Jun 6 2018
  • Ready ✨ commented
    05 Jan 03:17

    How is it that this was posted 6 YEARS ago and has only 36 votes and zero progress... this is a FUNDAMENTAL feature need! Abysmal response from the Webflow team here...

  • Lauren Dickinson-Clarke commented
    July 26, 2024 09:44

    I see this is an old thread and wondered if there had been an update on this topic? Currently searching for a way to differentiate items in the Navigator without having to rename classes

  • Peter Freed commented
    April 14, 2024 13:13

    I too would like to be able to do this. Bricks in Wordpress allows this, for example, and Bricks is essentially a copycat of webflow.

  • Amir Zelcer commented
    March 15, 2023 10:17

    Also, provide a way to batch-change classes names with find/replace

  • Richuack commented
    October 11, 2021 15:45

    The Webflow Team comment on: "You can name your styles & classes accordingly to name your elements" is not a good solution, precisely for the the reasons that Dave Foy clearly explained.

  • Dave Foy commented
    October 11, 2021 09:27

    Using class names to label sections in the navigator is NOT an acceptable solution here.

    For consistency and easy maintainabity, I always give my 'section' elements a base class of 'section'. That way I can update that class in one place and update all 'section' elements across the site. Plus, I can create various combo classes (e.g. Section Section-Small) and maintain those globally too.

    If I give each of my sections a class name for non-styling purposes (e.g. Section-Hero, Section-Testimonial, Section-CTA) then I lose a lot of easy maintenance and it's just generally bad practice for easily maintainable CSS.

    The ability to just 'label' section elements in the navigator would be a godsend, independent of the class name.

  • Adam Scipio commented
    March 16, 2021 08:15

    The name in the navigation bar is the same than the class name.


  • Daniel Brian commented
    October 02, 2020 21:31

    @Nelson, I understand. I think it would just be nice to not have to add a new class to rename your elements in the navigation section of the platform. Kind of like photoshop layers. If there are thousands of elements or layers you want to be able to differ one section from another uniquely without adding more classes. A feature that isn't needed but would be sweet. Cheers!

  • Matias Fiori commented
    November 27, 2018 02:47

    Hi Tal Pistol, I also think that it would be great if webflow allows to change class names within layers panel. Not sure why Nelson is not getting the point here (kind of defensive).

  • Christof Nagel commented
    July 29, 2018 13:37

    I see. The name in the navigation bar is the same than the class name. So I would need to have a seperate class for every element if I like them to have different names on the navigation abr, right?

  • Admin
    Webflow Team commented
    July 27, 2018 22:25

    You can name your styles & classes accordingly to name your elements.

    - Nelson, Customer Success Specialist

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