This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WEBFLOW-I-85 Code View.
I know I've seen a few requests for a 'inline code editor' or a 'live code editor’. However the posts I found were very old and Webflow has come a long way since its humble beginnings.
It is truly an amazing bit of kit!
I understand that the creation of Webflow was to allow designers to design without code, but as it’s evolved it has become more inline with how developers think and plan. This has bridged the work flow gap and helped our team of developers see the designers perspective and vice-versa.
Are there any plans to produce a code editing view? (for example like the newly bought out WithoutCode application).
I believe that this would really benefit Webflows structure, there are still some projects we (and I’m sure other users out there) work on that would make things so much more possible if we could get our mitts on the code itself and tweak.
The role of developer and designer has become blurred as of recent, allowing the option of a code view and editor would not only help: developers, integrations, tweaks and clients get more under one roof - but also allow designers to really understand the beautiful sites they can create within this awesome application.
Many thanks and I look forward to your feedback.
This was and still is a deal-breaker for me and everyone I have shown the app to. This will never really take off if it doesn't allow people to actually edit the code. Period.