Allow me to set all elements as non-editable by collaborators; then individually select items as editable

I want just a few elements to be editable by collaborators, but I have to set every element as non-editable, then set just certain ones as editable. I'd like a way to set all elements as non-editable, then select certain items and set them to be editable. 

  • Doug Mckown
  • Jun 15 2018
  • Reviewed
  • Chris Blanz commented
    31 Oct, 2018 05:02pm

    We have a person who helps manage our CRM. They need access to download the form submissions, but they don't need access to anything else. 

    Another person needs access to a particular page to update a number that changes monthly. 

    Another person needs access to our blog to submit, but not publish new articles. 

    Better, easier to manage, global, and cascading div/text/content permissions are soooooo needed. 

    PS - Default settings for new content being not editable by collaborators would be best for us, with the option being to enable on certain elements. 

  • +4