Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WEBFLOW-I-1019 Expose object-fit and object-position on image elements.

Support for CSS object-fit to prevent designer to use background-images when they should use images Merged

Title says it all. Even Webflow's tutorial videos are full of examples of bg images being used instead of images. When images make sense in the context of the content, they should stay as images, be in the HTML code, have an alt-text.

Bringing object-fit to the UI, Webflow will make it possible for designer to produce better, accessible code, by letting them have as many options to fit and crop images than they have with bg-images.

By chosing what it brings to its native options, Webflow has a great responsibility in making designers respect the standards and teach them the good practices around semantic code and accessibility.

PS: it could be a very simple addition to the actual UI, using the already existing bg-image module. If an image is selected, we could use this module, not to _add a bg_ but to _add a fitting property_ with almost identical options.


  • Vincent Bidaux
  • Jul 7 2018
  • Shipped
  • Mark Willis commented
    7 Jul, 2018 08:31pm

    Yes! This is an amazing idea Vincent. I struggled with this recently but someone wrote that bit of code for me.

  • +11