data-name to identify the element in the navigator tree


EXAMPLE: On Pinegrow (Great web editor) - You can give a name to important elements on the page, so that it will be easier to recognize the elements in the tree:


WEBFLOW: Element tree name = first class name :


תוצאת תמונה עבור ‪webflow navigator‬‏


Why its important/usefull? 

Example 1:

homepage with 9 sections each section with "section" base class (For top/bottom padding) - under the tree you only see list of sections (Not semantic). instead of "why us" "features" "gallery" "who-we-are" 

Example 2:

Slider - each slide with base style (.slide) - and extra class for different background-images and so on (Paris, London and NY) - in the tree i only see "slide" "slide" "slide" instead of "Paris" "London" "NY")


What will happen?

We wont change the default behavior - only add extra option to add data-name. Great :) and well orginaze

  • Ezra Siton
  • Sep 21 2018
  • Reviewed
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