Easier way to change padding/margin

The idea is pretty simple: to be able to select either padding/margin in the UI (as you can currently do) but then to be able to add a value which effects all parameters selected.

So a minimal change but I feel it would make the process of adding funky values to different areas a bit more intuitive and streamlined. You would just have one value box in the centre which would show the value of the highlighted areas of margin/padding. To adjust some areas but not others you would need to select or deselect as appropriate.

Hope this makes sense...please don't make me do a diagram.



  • John Minshall
  • Oct 6 2018
  • Reviewed
  • John Minshall commented
    9 Oct, 2018 04:26pm

    Yes you can but this way would be marginally quicker (I think) and possibly a bit more obvious for new users...it might even free up space in the UI. 

  • Tim Mac commented
    8 Oct, 2018 02:05pm

    you can currently do this by holding (shift) for all, or (command) for opposites.