Identify pages on which selectors are being used

Just as you can see the usage count for each selector now (1 on this page, 3 on other pages), it would be great to be able to see which exact pages are those, so you can easily remember or see where else something was used. This could be added to the Style Manager as well, to be able to see a list of all pages where each class is used.

  • David Vargas
  • Jan 19 2017
  • Allo Trac commented
    8 Jun, 2023 05:43am

    This would be fantastic!

  • Device Boksnok commented
    29 May, 2023 11:39am

    This is still a very relevant feature!

    As a first stab: Just give a tooltip (when hovering over "being used in 3 other pages") with the pages in question.

  • Kyle Leavitt commented
    6 Jun, 2022 10:09pm

    Yes PLEASE!!!

  • Oliver Windham-Wright commented
    9 Feb, 2022 03:09pm

    I've been wanting this for ages!

  • Brian Hinson commented
    13 Sep, 2021 06:15pm

    please add this

  • John Smith commented
    23 Feb, 2017 07:19am

    I'd ask admins to merge this wish with

  • Joel Ringer commented
    23 Feb, 2017 03:29am

    A suggestion coding solution. When you click on a style in the Style Manager it would react just the same way as if you clicked on a FOUND style within the Styles panel, I.E. show the number of incidences and highlight the selections.

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