Client Billing Profiles, to replace individual per-site billing configuration

Currently client billing details must be entered individually for each site.  For clients which have multiple sites, this makes it very difficult to update credit card details. 

In my case I have one client with 4 sites, and another with 6 - so you can imagine the annoyance of 10 billing transactions and emails per month for 2 clients. 


  1. Support Client Billing Profiles, which I can then "attach" a site to when I am ready to bring it live.  This means that all billing history, credit card details, etc. are managed and updated in one place. 
  2. When a new site is brought online, pro-rate the first month so that the billing cycle is synchronized for all of their sites, and they only get a single charge, and a single billing notification email per month.
  • Michael Wells
  • Oct 29 2018
  • Michael Wells commented
    18 Sep, 2022 01:00am

    No longer relevant since Client Billing is no longer supported.