Many of our clients have files (PDFs, Word documents, etc.) that they want to upload and link to inside the body of a rich text editor just like they do with images. Using separate file upload forms doesn't cut it when the number of files that may be needed is unknown.
The lack of this feature is a big reason we can't recommend Webflow to many of our clients. Can this be added?
Webflow Team, this is embarrassing. Why has there not been any movement on this issue? This is an elementary function.
Will this ever be resolved? It's hugely frustrating selling Webflow to clients and then turn around and explain that something as basic as uploading/linking a PDF to a blog post is not possible.
I get asked this so much by clients. So basic and necessary.
It has been 6 years, what is the progress of this ?
Please have this on Webflow, this is so essential.
Any progress in this function? This is basic and essential
I just now realized that this is not possible. However essential
This is such a basic and vital function for clients. It's stupid and cumbersome for them to email me a file every time they want to make a simple change. This isn't a problem in Wordpress sites. You need to make this work.
Just realising this can't be done in Webflow. I'm going to be having a horrible conversation with the client trying to explain why this basic functionality of a CMS is missing. Please can this be addressed. Thanks!
This is also a problem for us. It would be nice if this could be solved in a timely manner.
Would be very useful to our Guest Editors. Seems a no-brainer feature.
Any movement on this yet?
Any progress in this function? .(
We currently have a collection with a file upload field but this is confusing because the slug's for uploaded files show up in the link selector of the editor but don't link to the actual file since the slug does not have page because it's merely created when a file is uploaded. We need a dedicated assets collection in the editor so that can users can upload files from the editor and link to them from eg. richt text links in the editor. Currently we have to tell clients to copy the direct link for the asset and past it as an external link in the editor. This works but it's a very cumbersome process.
Yep. This is a much needed feature. Please add this sooner than later.
Man. I agree with all these comments. I'm using webflow long enough to discover all these small petty issues. Why can we not link to PDFs using the rich text element OR the Editor? I don't understand.
Any updates on this?
Agreed with other comments .. this is urgently needed!!
This is urgently needed. Webflow, please add this function!
This is a really nasty client usability issue. It goes hand in hand with the fact there is no editor asset manager for clients. Site editors need easy content management.