Add internal page as a redirect option for Form Success

Currently, you need to manually enter a redirect URL when a user successfully completes a form. I would like the ability to select a page of my website internally from a dropdown list to redirect to.

  • Atlanta Ventures
  • Nov 2 2018
  • Reviewed
  • Anke Saini commented
    23 Jul, 2019 05:01am

    This type of the setting has lots of description here where you can identify every thing Change User Account Name in windows 10 for the accounts and some more descriptions also. Thanks a lot 

  • Admin
    Webflow Team commented
    5 Nov, 2018 07:09pm

    @Gilson - What I think Christopher is asking for is a static page dropdown list.

    I think this is a great request. Let's get the community upvote it more so we can put it on the roadmap.

    - Nelson, Community Success Specialist

  • Gilson Nunes commented
    2 Nov, 2018 10:45pm

    hey @Christopher Travers

    this feature already exists. Just select go to the Form Element Settings and choose a Redirect URL