One thing that I don't like about Webflow is that images are not hosted on clients own website directory. This is fine when someone is just browsing the site, but if a person views the source, they will automatically see webflow branding on every image and file on the site. Another problem with this is when wanting to implement certain features on a site, files have to be uploaded to the sites directory, not to another server.
Need this to upload LLM.s txt. This would have huge impact for Webflow sites in 2025
Please prioritse this ->
Just need this for a ads.txt file
Need this for cross-domain cookie consent. Might have to migrate my site off of Webflow :(
Also, this issue has been raised and not addressed by Webflow team for several years at this point... why? I have been with Webflow for a long time and enjoy working with the platform, but since my dev team can't add files to root, it may cause us to look somewhere else. Very disappointing.
This is really more of a complaint of something that should be standard, rather than a "feature." Combine this with idea 1609 "Allow for upload JSON file "apple-app-site-association"" and there's 225 votes backing this complaint. It's not something "extra" for those who need it, it's be a dealbreaker issue.
need it!!!!!
i need it for apple pay
Please please please add this! I need it for Google Ad Sense
very important
Need this for Baidu SEO verification file uploads.
Reasons as per this issue:
/.well-known support
Need it in order to get Apple Pay (via Stripe) working.
Yes please!
Voting for this too.
Webflow doesn't seem to like the '.' in '/.well-known/security.txt'
When you redirect without the fullstop it works but I need the link to have it.
Voting for this so to support adding ./.well-known/security.txt
This update will be made webflow more accesible to custom features...
I understand everything about Try Reilly's workaround below... Except the first step.
"Put any WORD say ADS in a Text Link. Attach your ads.txt as a file."
What does that mean? How does one do that?
Sorry if noob question.
Thanks @Troy Reilly.
This worked:
I have found a workaround for this issue. Put any WORD say ADS in a Text Link. Attach your ads.txt as a file. Copy the address of this new link. Go to your Project Settings for your webflow project and under the Hosting tab, create a 301 Redirect that is: ads.txt → https://(paste your Text Link Address here). You can check your link address by adding it to the address bar of your browser, it should pull up your ads.text info.