Multiple/Different Product Collections

The ability to have multiple product collections for different types of products on the Ecommerce CMS.

I love being able to customize what information I need for the products in the ecommerce platform, just like the normal CMS. But having only one type of product collection is very limiting. It forces me to build one template for editors, regardless of what product they are creating.

For example: selling a t-shirt requires vastly different information than selling a car part, but I have to use the same template. It would be nice to be able to have product collections I can create like "Merch" and "Equipment" where I can create different CMS templates depending on the information I need.

Or perhaps as I create new categories, it creates new product collections for me to create templates for.

  • Britton Hennessy
  • Nov 27 2018
  • Reviewed
  • Maxime Dubé commented
    9 Oct, 2024 07:08pm

    A must!

  • Sasha Boss commented
    17 Feb, 2021 01:30am

    Ive built out my site only to find out I cant use a unique lottie animations for each product..

  • Justin Gambino commented
    3 Feb, 2021 02:38pm

    Apologies! Found the solution. Great video, easy workaround and works for creating multiple collection template page designs, super easy to do.

  • Justin Gambino commented
    3 Feb, 2021 02:21pm

    Seriously what the heck, we have to use the same layout for every product category? Such a headache...Any idea when multiple layouts for different products will be available?

  • Nordenstad Bygg AB commented
    16 Nov, 2020 01:29pm

    Disapponted that there is no multiple product template. I forced to look for another ecommerce platform.

  • Michaya commented
    30 Aug, 2020 05:15pm

    I am busy setting up my site and can't understand why there is not an option for different product pages and to allow for different categories template. I have multiple categories and collections that need their own specific design and page. For exapmle categories: bracelets, necklaces, rings etc... and collections that have a particualr inspiration and theme. When will this be availible??

  • Nick Geys commented
    6 Aug, 2020 02:26pm

    Absolutely necessary.

  • Kārlis Prauliņš commented
    4 May, 2020 08:13pm

    Yes, would be amazing, need this for my site too!

  • Simon Jelks commented
    6 Apr, 2020 11:13pm

    Yip, really need this

  • Bart Pels commented
    11 Feb, 2020 03:23am

    Same her - almost done and then I see I can only create 1 single product template. 

    I might have to ditch the whole thing now.

  • John T. commented
    3 Dec, 2019 03:22am

    +30 if I could. So needed :) 

  • Matthew Brown commented
    21 Jun, 2019 10:14am

    Arrghh it seems the deeper I go in configuring a Webflow eCommerce site the more I realise they can't offer yet.... need this function!

  • John T. commented
    7 Apr, 2019 03:33am

    I'm almost done with my site, I was adding the product and I just realized this..  :( Really needed.

  • Scott Johnson commented
    21 Mar, 2019 03:38pm

    I agree.  Webflow e-commerce really needs this.

  • Kevin Hon commented
    30 Jan, 2019 03:49pm

    Need this function. +3

  • +55