Advanced search bar (with filters)

I want to build a real estate website for a client.

People need to have an advanced search (bar) with filters for searching the property they want.

Example: Select the city, Select the price range, Select the type, for sale or for rent.

Then all the properties with those requirements are shown.


It would be awesome if this could be possible with Webflow.


Thanks in advance!

  • Elliot Mersie
  • Nov 29 2018
  • Reviewed
  • Gideon Ukadike commented
    April 06, 2020 22:19

    I am here foe the exact same thing i guess it was to hard for them to create it in two years.

  • Alex Pedroza commented
    September 23, 2019 02:31

    Seems like a no-brainer to me. Hopefully it's not too complicated and can get done soon because I need this feature for a car dealership website I'm working on!

  • Hamish Maclean commented
    March 07, 2019 00:54

    Yes and..

    💡 Auto suggest like this with ability to click on result in line without a search results page.

    💡  Multiple searches per site. So a search for only town. You might have a skills search. etc

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