Better way to move objects

Hi Webflow Devs,

I noticed that using the buttons on the styles tab are mildly frustrating as we constantly crash against the border of the screen. This is especially evident when using the right margin and padding buttons. I was wondering if you could implement another way of changing the padding/margin?

The way I have thought of fixing this includes:

ctrl + arrow keys = padding+
shift + arrow keys = padding-

alt + arrow keys = margin+
space + arrow keys = margin-

Arrow keys increase in each of their respective directions*

Thanks in advance :)

Admin Note:
It's currently possible to use keyboard arrow keys within size fields to increase or decrease size by arrowing up and down. Holding in Shift at the same time will increase/decrease by units of 10 instead of 1.

  • Gunt.r
  • Dec 30 2018