An integration with iZettle would definitely be a game changer. Then we would be able to offer a complete solution to small and medium-sized stores and that would be great.
Heya, is there any news around this iZettle integration? I see it was on the long term road map back in 2019, think we're pretty far into the long term now :)
This is already in our backlog. As you can see on our Ecommerce landing page, we will be looking into integrating with POS (point-of-sale) systems in the future.
Heya, is there any news around this iZettle integration? I see it was on the long term road map back in 2019, think we're pretty far into the long term now :)
Almost four years, in fact!
Is there any news of further development on this, from almost three years later, in October 2022?
This is already in our backlog. As you can see on our Ecommerce landing page, we will be looking into integrating with POS (point-of-sale) systems in the future.
- Nelson, Customer Success Specialist