Editor has to be able to attach files to links

An editor (read client) can change all links on a page (static content), except for attaching a file to the link. This should also be possible.

  • Stephan Nabbe
  • Jan 15 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Max Dinser commented
    02 Jun 09:50


  • DMC Studio commented
    16 Jan 01:57

    it's 2024 & this hasn't been enabled yet?

  • Maarten Mieras commented
    August 12, 2022 08:14

    2022... helloooo

  • Red Letter commented
    July 05, 2022 18:27

    Agree! This seems like something that should be possible. It is for editor access in WordPress.

  • Redthread commented
    December 20, 2021 19:09

    Hope this is being worked on! Our clients really want this

  • Blanca Nieto commented
    November 26, 2021 13:03

    Yes pleasee! I need it!

  • Zac McDonnell commented
    July 08, 2021 06:27

    This is really annoying

  • Kristjan Kesküla commented
    May 27, 2021 12:46


  • Charles Sladdin commented
    April 08, 2021 11:16

    Desperately needed! Otherwise, you end up creating a convoluted CMS workaround or have them uploading to SharePoint or similar first...

    Urgently needed!

  • Josh Brown commented
    January 07, 2021 13:55

    I just found out about this issue. A client of mine told me that they could not link to an attachment from the Editor. I didn't believe them at first until I tried it myself.

    Can we please add this? This is a really basic need for my clients. Please fix this.

  • Jonny Growfox commented
    December 14, 2020 15:56

    Ayy update on this??

  • Gregor Favre commented
    December 03, 2020 15:17

    Strongly needed. Changing PDF documents on a website is a frequent use case for a client.

  • Yousef Rayyes commented
    April 28, 2020 15:49

    My client needs to update the attached link file on their own frequently! Really slowing things down for them by having to go through me every time! PLEASE FIX!!

  • Bruno Bürgi commented
    April 21, 2020 11:38

    yesssss pleeeeeeease

  • Denise Dambrackas commented
    January 17, 2020 23:41

    This is of the HIGHEST priority. We have files for download in a password protected section of the site that need to be changed out regularly by my client.

  • Andrew Brewer commented
    May 23, 2019 05:03

    This is a MONUMENTAL problem that should really be fixed!

  • Jane Stancombe commented
    March 01, 2019 19:02

    Urgently need this feature! PLEASE!!!!

  • Bryan Garrant commented
    February 23, 2019 11:36

    I do not understand how to get around this.  WE NEED THIS FEATURE to allow clients to upload PDFs and other documents into Rich Text fields in Pages.

  • +51