Pay cash on delivery

Some clients in developing countries require cash payment on delivery in addition to the credit card. That would help us a lot to migrate to Webflow

  • Zouhair Majzoub
  • Jan 17 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Stefano Rocca commented
    20 Feb 15:47

    In Italy to gain the trust of customers we offer Cash on Delivery. So... please!

  • Martin Novotny commented
    December 04, 2023 13:04

    Is there any official word from Webflow on this? I get that they don't want to be missing out on that transaction fee, but honestly, this feature is a must.

  • Dimitar Tsonov commented
    November 30, 2023 07:46

    Four years, and this is still an issue?! Webflow, instead of doing stupid conventions and adding ridiculous features why don't you try to focus on the essential improvements that must exsist in your product in order not to loose potential customers/users/designers/coders etc.??? This is rethorical question but still a feature like this, that isn't even a feature but a must, and we're waiting four years, with no further development in the forseeable future!? You guys are ridiculous...

  • Jakov Djemrovski commented
    November 26, 2023 22:57
  • Rafael De Guglielmo commented
    June 15, 2023 20:15

    is just a check box at checkout!!!! and an email template for instructions.

  • Ruzica Baricc commented
    January 30, 2023 05:50
    I can not believe they did not solve these problem since there is over four years this was requested. We would like to have usable e-commerce.
  • Iskren Kralev commented
    November 18, 2022 18:47

    I still can not believe there is not such feature. In my country most online shoppers usually pay on delivery so that is one of the reasons I will not use Webflow. I hope something changes in near future!

  • Jacob Philp commented
    July 31, 2022 14:50

    Absolutely essential. Over three years ago this was requested, now with 318 votes. C'mon Webflow - this is just a radio button "How you do want to pay?" -> Credit Card/Debit Card or Direct Deposit (COD) with a custom email template for the latter which provides payment instructions to the customer.

  • Michal Dovrtěl commented
    June 09, 2022 00:11

    Withou this the ecommerce is unusable

  • Tine Maher commented
    May 20, 2022 07:28

    Loosing clients on behalf of limited payment options is a bummer .... Did a workaround for the Cash On Delivery, using promo code, but not really great sollution .... Cause every customer gets an email with set discount, which confuses them. ... Also the Client isn't really satisfied with the limited options, he doesn't want to accept card payments, only paypal and cash on delivery + SEPA Bank Transfer ...

  • Tim commented
    April 13, 2022 13:15

    Not only developing countries. Here in Switzerland I need the option so my client can send his client's orders with an invoice.

  • Pisarna Emazing commented
    November 29, 2021 20:38

    Well.. in eastern europe the most popular option is cash on delivery

  • Robin Klaiss commented
    June 30, 2021 18:56


  • Kanoa Lindiwe commented
    May 18, 2021 21:44

    please make this possible Webflow!

  • Andy commented
    May 05, 2021 05:46


  • Botond Bogyay commented
    April 14, 2021 16:22

    Due to the lack of this feature, I haven't switched from Wordpress / Shopify / etc yet.


    etc. in Hungary in the middle of Europe, its a must have feature (not just in the third world...)

  • Jacob Lee commented
    March 15, 2021 20:46

    When's it available ?

  • Whangarei commented
    December 22, 2020 01:24

    Yes please

  • Eduard Mihaila commented
    December 12, 2020 16:41

    please give us at least a temporary solution for now. i have big problems with my clients. *freelancer RO

  • Shakthi Palraj commented
    November 10, 2020 06:39

    i'm pretty surprised by the fact that there isn't a cash on delivery option available on Webflow. Countries like Pakistan and India have MASSIVE populations and are growing exponentially with ecommerce, and about 99% pf the market functions through cash on delivery/payment on receiving.

    You're essentially ignoring hundreds of thousands of people that might be looking to use your platform. Considering the flexibility you guys provide, it's honestly disappointing this hasn't been looked at in over a year and a half?!

    I was honestly in love with the platform. The webflow tutorials are perfect, and the design tools powerful yet simple to understand.

    It's a real shame you're missing out on the opportunity for thousands of subscribers to your service due to one simple yet vital checkout option. I guess Shopify/Woocommerce (God. It'll be a pain to go back once you've tasted a good website builder) it is then?


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