Alphabetical sorting of collection items without case sensitivity

It would be very nice to be able to have the collection items sorted by alphabet.  Easier to find things and easier to check if you already have added the item, in order not to add it a second time.

  • Anne cecilie Nygård
  • Jan 24 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Campbell McKenzie commented
    5 Mar, 2021 12:02am

    The logic behind Webflows implementation is odd:

    "numbers alphabetically -> uppercase letters alphabetically -> lower case letters alphabetically -> characters with diacritics"

    I don't think letters should be case sensitive – I've never come across a sort that puts 'SU' before 'Sa'

  • Bill Hamway commented
    28 Jan, 2019 11:33pm

    You can do this. See screenshots.

    Is this what you're referring to?