Inventory visibility - on site and in the cms

There is no visibility of inventory remaining without opening a record

An if were able to add the inventory remaining to a collection list, page or cart more use cases would open up. The first one that comes to mind is a very simple event or class booking tool. 

  • Hamish Maclean
  • Feb 21 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Yuvā Kalā commented
    30 Jun, 2021 09:51pm

    This needs to be done! Add Inventory to the drop down menu please

  • Lucy McA commented
    14 May, 2021 10:58am

    Please allow shop owners to have visibility on the inventory of the stock in their shop through the client editor. This would be really helpful.

  • Mike Pollock commented
    23 Jan, 2020 01:03am

    Why is this not currently available? I'd just like to display a dynamic CMS item. @thesergie

  • +13