More Ecommerce Sorting Options

The ability to sort by number of items shipped would be great for a popular collection list, or related items list that are popular. Also the ability to sort by price would be brilliant, even if it wasn't an instant filter but a sorting option so a manual page could be created for the cheapest to most expensive and vice versa. 

  • Adam Murray
  • Feb 26 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Brad Poirier commented
    29 Dec, 2023 06:10pm

    sort by price doesn't exist?

    This is ANOTHER reason why I continue to not rely on webflow for ecommerce.

    Everytime I build a site on webflow for ecommerce purposes I'm left with many issues like this needing workarounds.

    This never happens with Shopify. Now granted - making custom designs in shopify is a headache... but the core of the platform - to sell stuff - is way easier.

    We pay a premium for hosting and processing fees on webflow - and I'll pay that to have the webflow designer.

    But with the latest (Terrible) UX changes to the designer + now learning this basic feature is not available to sort by price - I cannot continue to use Webflow for any ecommerce builds.

  • 49 Lines commented
    20 May, 2022 06:49pm

    The ability to sort by

    Recently Added

    Price: Low to High

    Price: High to Low

    are pretty much available on every single E-commerce site ever!!!!

    It's ridiculous that this can't be implemented into Webflow without code!


  • Tina Wood commented
    30 Mar, 2021 12:49am

    I can' believe this doesn't exist yet. So basic!!

  • +14