disable buttons / links

I would like to be have the functionality to disable buttons or links, such as when you are on a specific page, and the navigation for that page is disabled to avoid refreshing that page wen it isn't wanted. This is easily done with JavaScipt, and I think it would be very helpful in Webfow.

  • Sam Jordan
  • Mar 18 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Bill Trevillyan commented
    4 Mar, 2024 02:33am

    Based on certain conditions, set button/link to be disabled. Or for example, after a button is clicked, disabled the button which is clicked and other buttons I want disabled.

  • Jörn Brenner commented
    13 Aug, 2019 09:49am

    In my case, i have a coming soon button.

    Looks like a default case, to disable buttons. 

  • +8