Allow users to customize the invoice number + allow for sequencing thereafter

This would be a beneficial feature and would keep my internal documentation and business books consistent; and in my humble opinion, the perception would appear more professional (and detailed).  

I would like to be able to customize the invoice number (the second most important number on the receipt ;)) and then be able to methodically assign a unique number to each invoice I provide to that customer with a means to identify it.

Again the biggest benefit of using a numbering system, is that I can search for an invoice or locate a copy of the invoice in the documents within my own accounting books.

  • Jen Zoghbi
  • Mar 26 2019
  • Ruth Donaldson commented
    13 Mar, 2020 10:02am

    I agree, this would be really useful, or even if Webflow and Stripe need to keep the unique reference, allow a separate invoice number to be set up. It negates the need for having third party software provide reference, which just adds layers to the process that require management.

  • +2