Ability to show exactly which page other instances of a css class occur "20 on other pages"

Sometimes when editing a class's rules, I'm not sure how it will affect other instance of the class on other pages and I'd like to be able to find them easily to check my edits don't cause problems.

The CSS class selector currently shows that a class exists on other pages (see attached image).

It would be great of this could expand to show exactly which pages with links to the page.

  • Matthew Sanderson
  • Apr 9 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Ana Villarama commented
    12 Sep, 2021 08:31pm

    Strongly agree, especially considering that the Style Manager tab has this exact feature. It would be so much faster to be able to click the outlined in your screenshot to get this pop up instead of manually looking through the Style Manager to get it.

    On a related note: I hate that the style manager is organized by creation time instead of something more scannable like alphabetical or 'on the current page'. Searching with CTRL + F doesn't even look through the whole list in my experience.

  • Matthew Sanderson commented
    9 May, 2019 03:17pm

    I found this tip which helps (though only at each page level):



    The other method I've found is to export the site and search the exported folder for mentions of the class names.

  • +8