Star rating system / Rating Function for customers

It would be amazing to have a rating tool for websites.
Not to show Google ratings or something like that - customers should be able to rate services/performances/...
The possibility of cusomers giving a feedback on the website would be super helpful for any company to improve! 
It would be great if this service would be able without a any coding or a thirt party provider to embed.
  • Theresa Schindler
  • Aug 19 2019
  • Reviewed
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  • Mario Garcia commented
    March 23, 2023 05:46

    I like the idea, they should also implement more things like this, at least not to be looking for solutions to third parties, better that all the payment is in one place.

  • Sarah Mabrouk commented
    June 16, 2022 06:13

    Hello Theresa,

    Have you figured out how to integrate a rating system into your website? I've been trying for so long now and no solution seems to be practical

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