Shipping prices per product

It would be great to be able to add shipping breakdowns based on product and additional items added for example the way printful does their shipping.

  • Russell Mikesell
  • Oct 10 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Alexis Kraus commented
    17 Apr, 2024 11:28pm

    I can't believe it's been ... 5??!?! years and Webflow has not introduced shipping rates per item. Webflow's product roadmap is completely baffling to me as a person who works in tech full-time (my webflow sites are side-hustles).

  • Silenus Development commented
    27 Feb, 2023 12:15am

    To be honest it is ridiculous that you can't set different shipping options per product. Even on Woocommerce this is basic functionality

  • DANIEL JAMES commented
    25 Jan, 2023 11:10am

    Simply a must.

    But look back people have been asking for this since the sart of Ecom

  • Ryan Bavetta commented
    28 Dec, 2022 05:46pm

    This is a pretty essential feature. Things with similar costs can have vastly different shipping costs. There's no good way to make this work now other than including shipping costs in product prices, which isn't always the best idea.

  • Tim Daff commented
    10 Jun, 2022 02:14am

    Adding my vote to this following client requesting exactly this...

  • Deer Island Studio commented
    4 Feb, 2022 02:36am

    Pretty please, Webflow? This is very clunky for our clients, and embarrassing to explain.

  • Kelsie Trainor commented
    4 Nov, 2021 10:29pm


  • Rhys Dyson commented
    1 Nov, 2021 06:32am

    Definitely a necessary feature for ecommerce.

    How can you compare the $2.60 vs $16.80 shipping costs for a single book vs a box of 20?

    Am I suppose to just charge $20 shipping per order to cover all bases?

  • Sean commented
    15 Sep, 2021 01:35am

    I'd like to go one further and have prices optionally based on product variants metadata (weight, quantity, dimensions, ...) in addition to products (OP) or even category of products.

    • I sell 12x6" prints

      • 4 can fit in a box. $15 shipping for 1-4, $30 shipping for 5-9...

    • I also sell 20x40" acrylic photos

      • 2 can fit in a box: 1=$100, 2=$100, 3=$200...

    • I also sell 48x96" acrylic photos

      • 3 can fit in a crate: $350


    6 - 12x6" prints $30 shipping (two boxes)

    2 - 20x40" prints $100 shipping (one box)

    2 - 48x96" prints $300 shipping (one box)

    Total shipping: $415

  • Josh Thackray commented
    17 Aug, 2021 12:29pm

    may have to move to shopify, as they support shipping rates by product

  • Lucinda Moore commented
    17 Jun, 2021 08:44pm

    I am completely baffled by the oversight on shipping costs based on indivdual products. Not only can I NOT get real-time shipping costs. I'm unable to separate items that ship at a cost of $55 compared to an item that costs $8. How is this not possible? I'm about to lose a client due to his lack of feature.

  • Simeon Zickert commented
    9 Jun, 2020 09:58am

    I am really missing showing the shipping cost in the cart when a customer is hitting the add to cart button.
    Thinking about upselling Products and getting the customer to as many Products to get over a specific Price point for getting free shipping, this is a very important feature.

    this feature must also be for the guys at webflow highly interesting as they get a procentual fee of every sell made over their system.

  • Liam Day commented
    29 May, 2020 03:27pm

    Printful have an API for calculating shipping costs. An integration with this would remove the need to manually enter shipping rates.

  • Drew Eastmead commented
    25 May, 2020 04:48pm

    this is needed.

  • William Wong commented
    19 May, 2020 06:41pm


  • Lewis Bamber commented
    23 Apr, 2020 08:54am

    This would be brilliant. It would be one way of getting around the zone based shipping.

    "What's your postcode?"

    If a user lives in this area show this category which charges this amount for shipping etc.

  • Josh Thackray commented
    4 Mar, 2020 12:04pm

    totally agree, need to link a shipping method to a product..

  • Brad commented
    24 Oct, 2019 03:04pm

    To tell you the truth, I am kind of surprised that this is not an option.  I am also surprised that more people have not asked for this. 

    Webflow is a great resource for web designers.  Great stuff.  This seems like a simple option that should be included. But then again I am not sure how difficult it is from a coding point of view.    Thank you.

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