If I could purchase a plan that INCLUDED a certain number of websites, I would be incredibly excited. As it is, I'm inclined to stick to Wordpress for smaller projects because I can use a shared hosting plan that isn't prohibitively expensive for my smaller clients.
That said, I'm LOVING the look of webflow.... #changemymind
Completely agree. Only about 25% of our Webflow client projects are hosted on Webflow, as it's not cost effective to host smaller static type websites.
A pricing model that caters better to agencies/freelancers/partners would ideal. Over the years, I've contacted the Webflow team several times about this, but unfortunately haven't got anywhere.
Here's a thread I created a while ago that's been hidden: https://forum.webflow.com/t/discounts-on-webflow-hosting-for-agencies-freelancers-bulk-pricing/79444/16