Allow us to host .js and other files on webflow

What's the point in advertising all the hosting and CDNs that you offer if we cant host arguably one of the most important types of files. I know the custom code feature exists but js libraries can get very long and unfortunately, that just won't cut it.


Could we please have access to hosting scripts on the servers we are paying for, I honestly don't see why it was not allowed in the first place.

  • Ryan Hughes
  • Oct 31 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Dmitrii Tregubov commented
    17 Jun, 2024 07:13pm

    Any news?

  • Guest commented
    18 Feb, 2022 08:57pm

    You can upload with Stacket custom files without any limitations:

  • Shane Rimoro commented
    23 May, 2021 01:54am

    I don't understand why we can't place JS files on the assets, at least with that we could get the absolute path and use that to get the script on our custom code panel and also not have to rely on third party servers just to host JS files! I'm not sure about the security issues regarding this, but I don't think its impossible for a relatively large company to be able to "safe-proof" uploading JS files.

    I'd rather they use the "no-code" movement as a ad strategy to attract non-coders rather than to actually be their core value

  • Dan Guenther commented
    30 Jun, 2020 05:37pm

    Perhaps the rock solid work around is to marry Webflow and GitHub via API methods.

    I imagine Webflow has concerns about malicious code that would be executed on their servers and so the entire possibility of this feature as well as user profiles/dashboards is then 0%

    Would they ever tell us? Or, is it simply called a no-code movement for some reason?

    The raw potential of the internet capped by bad value promise (IE No-code movement)

  • Domenick Basolo commented
    8 Nov, 2019 07:40pm

    I agree we should have access via a designated FTP to our own individual website. Basically this is the only reason I haven't completely signed up yet. You can designate an FTP to a specific folder and limit access so I'm not sure why it's not allowed. Safer yet would be to edit these files from the backend tool as I'm sure it's encrypted and safer to design this way over and FTP. I'm sure it's because of security reasons but the reality is you can add google tag manager and inject javascript if you really wanted to so there isn't a full-proof way to protect themselves. My opinion is its safer to provide the files rather than having someone trying to figure out how to circumvent the system which can be more devastating.

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