Object-position support

As a follow up to the release of object-fit support, Webflow should add support for object-position as well. Some intel on what this enables, thanks to TG2's forum post:

Object-position is needed for these tasks:

  • Set image focal points on-the-fly, avoiding cropped versions flooding the poor Asset Manager
  • Change position across breakpoints (i.e., landscape on desktops vs portrait on mobile—sometimes, only certain parts of the image work well)
  • End the 5+ year tyranny of background images

I’m thankful for the effort so far. At the same time, object-fit will have much wider usage (i.e., supplant performance-regressive background images) after object-position has been integrated.

  • Barrett Johnson
  • Jan 6 2020
  • Shipped
  • Jan 24, 2020

    Admin response

    Hi all - following up on our addition of object-fit support, now you can precisely control the position of images within parent elements using object-position.

  • Suka Nobi commented
    17 Feb, 2020 04:48am

    thank you

  • Tiada Guru commented
    19 Jan, 2020 09:06pm

    I do not think it has been resolved, Záviš Pexidr. Perhaps they meant to say "should be solved"?

  • Záviš Pexidr commented
    15 Jan, 2020 12:38pm

    @harry how was it resolved?


  • Harry Durrett commented
    13 Jan, 2020 03:27pm

    Object-position support resolved, thanks a lot.

  • Tiada Guru commented
    8 Jan, 2020 11:57pm

    Thank you so much for creating this, Barrett Johnson. This feature will be hugely appreciated for so many web designers & developers (and end-users alike).

  • Sana Jefferies commented
    8 Jan, 2020 08:19am

    The answer is yes! the image file name definitely helps you to keep on track. always use keyword as an image file. this is who to boast you in a search of the keyword searching. Download Temple Run 2 new version.

  • +7