Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WEBFLOW-I-726 MLS listing integration.

Real Estate IDX Integration for MLS Merged

Currently you have to be a realtor and request an IDX code to pull real estate listings from MLS and it would be nice if this was integrated through Webflow automatically by allowing us as the web designer to put in their code (with their permission of course) and get that setup natively.

The goal would be to be able to do features like a full page with all of that realtor's listings, sections of featured listings, filtered lists of listings (by bedroom #, bath, etc.), filtered by For Sale/For Rent/Pending/Sold, and possibly lists of listings in certain neighborhoods.

I see there are templates for sale on Webflow for realtors but you must put in the properties as CMS items by hand and while this may work for smaller realtors, as a real estate media firm we are trying to be scale-able and be able to service 100's of real estate agents at a time with photo/video/3d/web and updating those listings by hand is not sufficient enough unfortunately. 

  • Scherba Media
  • Jan 27 2020
  • Karim Ardalan commented
    24 Jun, 2021 09:02pm

    Hi everyone. We've recently launched our IDX solution for Webflow. You can check it out on the Showcase or by visiting our website at [](

  • William Ramirez commented
    12 May, 2021 07:51pm

    Good development. I used to use a similar program for these sales - , it was ineffective. I really hope this program will be better in quality and practicality.

  • +15