Better Lottie Support

While playing around with Lottie and developing a concept website, I have run into a few issues that can be quite the struggle.

1. Lottie doesn't play image sequences properly on Mac and iPhone using the SVG Renderer, however does so wonderfully using Canvas.

2. The Canvas Render method doesn't allow for fullscreen scaling without becoming squished or stretched when rescaling the browser.

If you are planning on creating a site utilizing fullscreen Lottie then it is either uncompatible with Mac and iPhone and all the while pretty heavy on the machine with SVG Renderer, or you can make it compatible with all devices but scale horribly throughout using Canvas. 
It would be an amazing tool for creating beautiful fully animated websites and portfolios but as of yet is sort of lacking in this area.
I would be absolutely washed away if this issue could be fixed somehow.

Thank you!

To experience the issue yourself, here is a preview link to my site:

  • Cameron Juna Wiest
  • Feb 4 2020
  • Reviewed