Allow for image zoom/magnification in Lightbox

This would allow for viewers to zoom into and pan around large images that have fine detail.

  • Jarred Kolar
  • Feb 12 2020
  • Reviewed
  • Corinne Prainito commented
    7 Jun, 2023 05:45am

    Any update on this? I'm with Daniel James - I wouldn't be able to get away with an ecommerce or portfolio website without this feature. Ive included an example - click on the hero image and then zoom away on the lightbox image.

  • Stefan Werner commented
    2 Nov, 2020 10:33am

    I think the zoom function still doesn't exist. What I also miss is the ability to upload images as a package (for instance 50 or more images), instead I have to load each image individually into the lightbox. Have I overlooked a function that already makes it possible?

  • Bob Sidebotham commented
    11 May, 2020 05:29pm

    This would be a wonderful addition to lightbox.

  • Jacob Marciniec commented
    11 May, 2020 03:42pm

    Huge must-have.

  • DANIEL JAMES commented
    19 Apr, 2020 10:21am

    I do not know of any e-commerce site that does not have this.

    I've been waiting six months for this and so can not go any further with my e-commerce site.

    So Need it sooner than later.

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