Allow CMS imports to update collection

When uploading allow CMS entries to be updated rather than just create new entries. Often I've found myself needing to make changes to the CMS data in a spreadsheet in bulk and then re-upload them to webflow.  I'd like the option to update because right now the flow causes duplicates that need to be deleted

  • chris macphersom
  • Feb 20 2020
  • Reviewed
  • David Bernier commented
    8 Mar, 2021 09:36pm


    Have you figured something out :D ?

  • Maria Dimitrova commented
    29 Dec, 2020 04:53pm

    this function would save me sooooo much time

  • Brian Anderson commented
    2 Oct, 2020 02:56pm

    Exporting first (to get the Collection/Item IDs) is an acceptable first step, but after that an import should update, not create.

  • Michael Barnett commented
    1 Sep, 2020 02:26pm

    Agreed - the only way to update data is manually or Via API.

    This week I will create an automation that can grab a file and process updates programmatically. I should not have to build this on my own though!

  • Zak Lefevre commented
    3 Jul, 2020 06:40pm

    Yes please!

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