It would be great to be able to change or edit the details for ecommcerce orders - the Paypal payment integration pre-fills address details and customers are unable to edit them when they are redirected back to the site to confirm their order, and you can not amend them manually in the backend.
Equally, you should be able to add to or change a customer's order manually.
I dont think anyone is reading these.
Please add the ability to edit customer data. It's very frustrating for account managers not to be able to do this.
can this be done yet - not a good look to not be able to change this for customers
I have customer who entered wrong email - can't correct order / resend invoice....
I've also had this request from a client. It's quite common for customers to want to change / edit their shipping address or email address.
need this to edit email addresses
Please implement this
Is this resolved yet?
Agreed. This has become an issue for us as well.
This is also our major pain points in Ecommerce. Customers always tell us - they messed up the address and they want to change it.
Please look into this matter. It is a small change to add a PUT endpoint to the shipping address field.