Cart abandonment email response

Ad the ability to send an auto generated email to customers that do not complete a sale.

  • Daniel Aleshinloye
  • Apr 2 2020
  • Reviewed
  • commented
    7 Jan, 2021 08:29pm

    Hey Chris! Yes, the product is now available for everyone!

    Please let me know if I can help you with an extended free trial – mack (at)

  • Chris Waterhouse commented
    15 Oct, 2020 06:25pm

    Hey Mack,
    Any chance we can jump in on the beta testing?

  • commented
    3 Sep, 2020 04:44pm

    Hey Daniel! is about to release an Abandoned Cart Recovery app, built for Webflow Ecommerce and much less expensive than existing alternatives. Shoot me a message ( if you'd like to be a part of our Free Beta starting next week!

    I'll circle back when the app is available more widely.

    Disclaimer: I'm a cofounder!

  • +4