Duplicate CMS Collections

Currently, if you want to duplicate a CMS Collection you need to recreate it from scratch with the same settings. It would be great to have an automated way to duplicate it.

  • Eugene
  • Apr 13 2020
  • Reviewed
  • YCP commented
    November 23, 2022 19:02

    Currently making a CMS collection of 30 items (our client would like it to be 50 before long), and within each item, I believe I'll need to link 2 CMS collections each using multi-reference fields. So I'm currently looking to create 60–100 CMS collections which will each be near-identical. Being able to Duplicate CMS collections would be awesome.

  • Natalie Russo commented
    April 23, 2021 17:26

    Yes, I'd like this as well - there have been a few times clients have wanted a lot of the same fields, but for a different reason where it doesn't make sense to use reference fields.

  • +4