Export projects without .html extension

It’d be great if when exporting a project to use elsewhere we could remove the .html url extension so that we don’t have to do so manually afterwards!

Admin Note:
This must be configured on the hosting side of websites and therefore cannot be exported from Webflow.

  • Tom Sproull
  • Apr 22 2020
  • Michael Wells commented
    17 Sep, 2022 07:43am

    Just want to note that this request doesn't actually make sense. File extensions are a central part of what allows webservers to work. Web servers see the .html extension and then know it can be served as text/html, otherwise it could be an image, a script, plaintext... the server has zero idea what to do with it.

    Showing the .html in the URL is a different matter and depends on your server configuration and directory structure.

    If you have really set up a server configuration where those are not needed for your server to function, and really wanted to remove them it's as easy as a rename all, and a grep-replace all.

    Please don't change this. It would make Webflow exports completely unusable for most of the world.

  • Brad Cumbers commented
    8 Feb, 2021 12:48pm


  • Alex Pan commented
    19 Jan, 2021 07:22am

    please make this happen

  • +8