Ability to edit links of link blocks in the Editor

Would be great if this feature will be reintroduced so that clients can change not only the text of link blocks, but also the link itself.

  • Fabian Sachsenröder
  • May 4 2020
  • Reviewed
  • Rhi Davis commented
    9 Oct, 2024 02:41pm

    For the love of of pixels, pleeeease enable editing urls on link blocks in edit mode. Fixing issues accidentally created by people we've had to allow into the designer to edit simple links is a real adrenaline rush but exhausting.

  • Jeroen Bruijn commented
    3 Oct, 2024 11:52am

    Hello client, yes you just want to change a simple link, no this is not wordpress, it's the super friendly and advanced webflow platform!! Ok cool... but can i change it then? No no no! you need to call our agency to change this link....

    webflow, get your act together, cms is missing so much basic (wordpress) features it drives my clients nuts.

  • Mack Shirilla commented
    19 Sep, 2024 04:42pm

    I love Webflow, but it blows my mind this feature isn't active. Creating custom buttons is almost standard for every project I do, and the "button" element is incredibly limited given you can't add children elements to it! How are we getting all these incredible updates (branches, localization, components, etc.) but editing a link block in the editor is too much?? Make it make sense! 😭

  • Scott Perry commented
    11 Jul, 2024 10:19pm

    Clients require this functionality in the websites I create for them. Is there another solution?

  • Sam Wiebenga commented
    19 Oct, 2023 03:30am

    Come on Webflow, listen to the people!

  • Rene commented
    5 Sep, 2023 06:06am

    It's crazy that this doesn't work. We are giving the websites to clients and they shall be able to edit as much as possible.

  • Dwaiter commented
    22 Aug, 2023 02:37pm

    Hi, is there an update on this? Our client/partner just inquired about whether they have the ability to edit/change things like social media button links (on their own in the Editor).

    At the moment, this can't be designed within a button — only a link block. Any updates would be appreciated.

  • Felix Brodbeck commented
    24 Jul, 2023 08:09am

    Still no update after more than 3 years? This request maybe has not many votes but I wouldn't call it a "feature". It is more an essential. Customers start to feel screwed, because they thought in Webflow you can just click and change everything... But if that doesn't work even with simple links, it doesn't make a good picture. Neither of Webflow nor of us.

  • Artem Aleksandruk commented
    10 Jul, 2023 08:22pm

    This needs to be added, this is ridiculous

  • HG Webmaster commented
    7 Jun, 2023 03:49pm

    Any update on this? A timeline for development?

  • Jonas Bannwart commented
    1 Jun, 2023 03:42pm

    Dear readers, Dear Webflow team

    The function of adjusting the links in the editor mode is an absolutely basic thing which should not be missing. Every competitor product offers this feature, so it should be shameful for webflow not to include it. From a customer's point of view, this is highly unattractive. The user in the editor should be able to customize not only images and text, but also ALL links such as documents, weblikns email, phone, etc..

    Thank you for a comment and the development of a timely solution.

  • TwoFive Squared commented
    13 Apr, 2023 03:43pm

    Please make this available!

  • Lukas Schorn commented
    15 Mar, 2023 04:06pm

    Issa must!

  • Adriano Resende commented
    8 Mar, 2023 06:50pm

    The marketing team here and client are annoyed that they cannot change the link on the image.

    Please, help all of us who have any client and marketing teams.


  • Dario Villirilli commented
    7 Jan, 2023 05:54pm

    I want to add a link to some images I add directly in the editor and I can't. I can only add the alt text. :S How is this not an option?

  • Niels Bakhuis commented
    13 Nov, 2022 12:59pm

    Indeed, why is this still not a thing?

  • Grdesigner 2 commented
    16 Aug, 2022 09:25am

    we need it....

  • Denis Mokin commented
    9 Aug, 2022 07:44pm

    Please! its essential, 99 precent of the time, i use costum buttons why the client need me to chane a link? thank yo webflow

  • Ollie Law commented
    8 Jul, 2022 07:21am

    Client: Hey, can we edit this button link and text please?
    Me: No...
    Client: Um...OK. Why not?
    Me: I have no god damn idea.

  • Jeff Karnes commented
    25 May, 2022 08:34pm

    This is for sure a must have for handing projects off to clients.

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