Ability to restore individual pages from backup

The backup feature is nice, because it can help you to restore the site to an earlier point in time. Sometimes, only a single page of the site would need to be restored. 

  • Dave Sloane
  • Jan 29 2017
  • Red Letter commented
    April 08, 2022 16:24

    100% agree with this feature request! Wordpress allows for this - just sayin'.

  • Jack Virag commented
    December 20, 2021 16:56

    This is practically a dealbreaker.

  • Rebekka Kuhn commented
    December 20, 2021 16:09


  • Isaac Simon commented
    January 12, 2021 02:34

    I needed this bad today. SO BAD!

  • Luis-LTM López commented
    November 24, 2020 09:44

    Totally agree, the ability to restore a single page would be of great value!

  • Web Designer commented
    May 16, 2020 09:07


  • Shadi Paterson commented
    March 24, 2020 20:48


  • Teela Smith commented
    March 12, 2020 08:48

    yes this is really necessary


  • Steven van Rij commented
    October 07, 2019 05:02

    +1 at this point it's very anoying to need to restore everything, especially when you are building your website in an iterative way.

  • Vincent Lecrubier commented
    August 24, 2019 13:54

    This is absolutely necessary

  • +56