Native integrations for email marketing platforms, Campaign Monitor, Klaviyo etc

Currently there are no integrations built for Webflow between popular email marketing platforms. I have a client who wants to build lists for CM from WF however doesn't then feel they should have to have a 3rd party with another cost involved.

Have I missed something here but I can't find a way around this?

  • Matt Naughton
  • Jun 1 2020
  • Reviewed
  • Ristretto Apps commented
    17 Nov 10:01pm

    Hey there,

    So obviously this is not a native solution, but we have built a much deeper integration that what has been currently available with Klaviyo, and our app was just approved for the Webflow App Marketplace:

    That said, I do get not wanting to pay for additional apps for various features, etc. We built this app only because one of our clients needed it, and so we've decided to make it available for anyone who thinks that having it is a value-add to their business enough to pay. Nonetheless, if anyone wants to try it in their Webflow Store for longer than our free trial, just let us know.

  • Ryan Espi commented
    21 Nov, 2020 07:39pm

    NEED the Klaviyo integration!

  • +6