Saving Nested Collections as Symbols

I understand collection nesting is a newer feature and hopefully this is already well into development but it would be great if there was the ability to utilize symbols with nested collections in them. I am currently working on a site where I have built out a site-map in the CMS that can be referenced on the main navigation, dropdowns, and footer. The plan was for the dropdowns to be built as a nested collection within the main site navigation but with that solution I can no longer save it as a symbol to be used across the site.

  • Brad Costa
  • Jun 9 2020
  • Reviewed
  • Team Troponin commented
    30 Apr, 2022 09:22am

    Agreed, this is super necessary. Seems like such a basic feature, at least from a nav many websites need nested menus? Tons.

  • RSquared commented
    3 Feb, 2022 08:41pm

    Been a year since the last update on this. Any news?

  • Jacob Kenning commented
    4 Feb, 2021 01:13am

    This is huge for me too. I have made a complex navigation for a government website. I can't symbolize the navigation. So if I need to change an item, I have to copy and paste it to every page.

    Here's my site:

  • Josse Marchoul commented
    19 Nov, 2020 04:55pm

    I need this so hard. You can't make a dropdown menu for an ecommerce website without nested collections as symbols. How am I supposed to make a big navigation?

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