Ability to add images to the CMS from the Asset Manager

When adding images to a collection within the designer, you have the ability to choose existing images which have already been uploaded via the asset manager in addition to the current ability to upload new images.

  • Craig Teel
  • Jan 31 2017
  • Eli Van Der Byl commented
    18 Jul 23:12

    How is this still not added?!?!

  • Alan McDonnell commented
    18 Jul 08:55

    I might have posted here before, but I need to post it again. I have a significant number of sites hosted with Webflow, but it's starting to get embarrassing how often I have to explain to customers that there is no asset or media library they can refer to from within the Editor. No CMS is perfect, but this is a long overdue feature. It's far from the only missing feature, but it is the most baffling to customers - especially if they have had any experience with any other CMS over the past number of years. Even to know that this is coming down the line would set a lot of minds at ease.

  • Daniel Gouldman commented
    09 Jul 14:31

    Insane that the CMS (a feature that's built for ease of use and controlled prod environment) can't grab images that have already been processed and greenlit within Webflow.

  • Shane O'Donnell commented
    21 Jun 11:06

    Client asking me for this again

  • Seth Newsome commented
    16 Jun 23:38

    This really increases the amount of work, both upfront in uploading and organizing images, then later in maintaining and keeping things organized. It would be so, so much more efficient to integrate all assets. While I really have loved learning about Webflow and what I can create with it, including the CMS, this seems like a really large feature to be left unconsidered and untouched for over 7 years now. Not very confidence inspiring.

  • Ryan Davidson commented
    28 May 16:55

    This is an accessibility failure. Alt-text for assets are added from the asset manager. However images added to CMS posts do not have alt text nor any way to add it. That means critical accessibility features are missing from Webflow.

  • TIES Research commented
    10 May 14:45

    Very much needed feature! I do not want to upload the images that are already there!

  • Harold Brema commented
    06 May 10:35


  • Luc B commented
    01 May 20:12

    Serious? Did I just payed a huge subscription without this feature?

  • Marsha Tudor commented
    01 May 19:34

    Yes please!!!!!

  • Ash commented
    27 Mar 22:11

    You're kidding? How has webflow even grown to this size without this feature? I keep coming back every 2 years and finally decided to go ahead with a project thinking Webflow is cooked enough.

    Yet here we are. Basic basic basic feature, which devs have been notified of from 2017.

    Does Webflow even care?

  • Alan McDonnell commented
    07 Mar 20:28

    While running through a client handover the other day, I was left completely red faced when someone asked “and I assume we can just add pictures from the media library?”

    I have sold the concept of Webflow to a number of clients over the years, but issues like this keep coming up and makes justifying remaining on the platform and paying for annual renewals more difficult. I love Webflow, but I feel this is an oversight that needs to be addressed.

  • Sean McArthur commented
    29 Feb 22:23

    Yes please - this is an essential addition to CMS functionallity.

  • Scott Macpherson commented
    18 Feb 16:45

    Please get this working!

  • Luke Earnshaw commented
    14 Feb 12:46

    Uploaded 200 images into various organised folders to now realise I can't simply select them? Now have to re-upload them and they end up anywhere 😩

  • Petter Gustavsen commented
    31 Jan 11:50

    Let's get these basics working asap 🚀.

  • Holly Barry Bobula commented
    15 Jan 04:57

    PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE, for the love of God. 🙏 Webflow is so awesome at so many things, but it is just unfathomable we can't do this.

  • Lydia Krogh commented
    December 29, 2023 18:40

    I cannot add images from assets to CMS nor can I add alt text in the CMS panel to a single image (however, I can add alt text to multi-images). Without this feature I can't make my website fully accessible even on the CMS plan.

  • OVA Architects commented
    December 12, 2023 22:26

    come on

  • Michael Radke commented
    November 28, 2023 11:34

    6 years later and it's still not a thing... why

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