Support for externally hosted videos

A lot of video out there doesn't come from Vimeo or Youtube. The embed function doesn't handle video well. It would be great if you could add better video support.

  • Dave
  • Jul 4 2020
  • Reviewed
  • Craig McDonald commented
    1 Nov, 2022 01:48pm


  • Katie Driscoll commented
    16 Jul, 2022 04:29am

    This is such a basic feature. Why is it still not implemented?

  • Guest commented
    18 Feb, 2022 09:06pm

    Yeah, you can use GitHub as your primary hoster for assets and then run your Website through Stacket:

  • Simpleclub GmbH commented
    16 Dec, 2021 05:43pm

    It should just be possible to add a link to a .m3u8 file and the video should start playing!
    If an .m3u8 is too complex, at least an mp4 should be playable.

  • Ryan Yokel commented
    20 Jul, 2020 04:01am

    Yes please!

  • +15