Copy/Paste Styles from one class to another

At this point the only way to copy a style from one element and paste it on another element is to click on the element and then click on the Add Class Selector and type in the name of the class. I think it would be a lot easier to simply have a short cut to copy a Class Selector and paste it on an element with shortcuts like these:

Shift + Alt + C for copy style of element

Shift + Alt + V for paste that style on another element

  • Nathaniel Perales
  • Feb 1 2017
  • Tiffany Anderson commented
    15 Jan 09:11pm

    Any updates on this Team Webflow? Larger sites are VERY cumbersome to manage without this.

  • Dennis De Koning commented
    3 Dec, 2024 06:04pm

    Yes, this is essential

  • Client IO commented
    17 Oct, 2024 11:03am

    Must have feature!

  • Jordan Parker commented
    14 Oct, 2024 03:45pm


  • Elliot Rancie commented
    7 Oct, 2024 11:25am

    CSS - copy properties from one class to another.

    Webflow - remember all the properties and define them all in a new class.

  • Seye Bandele commented
    6 Jun, 2024 12:25pm

    I am 7 years late and this isn't fixed! Ughhhh.

  • Sean Horvath commented
    20 Feb, 2024 07:15pm

    I can already hear the support email in my head about it. "We understand how it can feel when something doesn't work the way we wanted it to..."


  • Sean Horvath commented
    20 Feb, 2024 07:14pm

    The fact that in 7 years, no one there was either aware or logically persuasive enough to make a case for this is enough in itself to warrant questioning everything about their business model.

  • Sean Horvath commented
    20 Feb, 2024 07:13pm

    Sigh. Why am I surprised that the company using their product's UI/UX capabilities as a selling point would be completely oblivious to this logical UI — the "anticipate user behavior" is pretty much the most important aspect of UX. Say a lot about what they're actually selling when it comes to UI/UX capabilities. It is the same old "wow they don't seem to be using their own product or are only using it in a very specific, narrow visioned way. It is actually impressive how this brand went from making me so excited to making me literally harbor distain.

  • Charles Lavoisier commented
    20 Feb, 2024 02:35pm

    Are they sleepling?

  • Admin Hona commented
    17 Jan, 2024 06:38pm

    Please do this soon...

  • René de Haas commented
    5 May, 2023 12:38pm

    Any updates? Would be nice to copy class to tag as well

  • Jamaka commented
    11 Apr, 2023 09:14pm

    I'm 5ive years late, but still seems this is an issue, or i'm missing something?

  • ImmediPay commented
    13 Sep, 2021 06:31am

    I would love to be able to copy full section attributes and assign to sections on other pages, especially if you make the TERRIBLE mistake of not using the 'starred' Desktop breakpoint that controls all the other styles by default.

  • Joanne Santos commented
    25 Mar, 2020 08:09am

    Class additions and subtracts is something i heavenly used in my react projects 8 ball pool, it would be on the of best things to hit webflow.

  • Ryan Chatterton commented
    19 Dec, 2019 03:59pm

    This would save me from annoyingly clicking on an element and typing the name between a bunch of elements.

  • Vesper Sinclair commented
    1 Oct, 2019 11:52pm

    A must-have feature!

  • Production Within commented
    16 Sep, 2019 04:43pm

    Bringing this back! I'd love to be able to copy an effect like box shadow from one element to another. This would save me soo much time, especially with clients who like to change things across the entire website. 

  • Philippe Côté commented
    13 May, 2019 01:43pm

    Agreed! This would help a whole lot! Sometimes, we have similar classes but they belong to totally different contexts. Copy/pasting between those classes would be helpful.

    Another example (that happened to me a few times) is to style one class, only to discover later this styling should belong to another class instead. There is no other way than to start over manually. Copy/Pasting would solve this problem.

    Rule #4 here (User control and freedom or Permit easy reversal of actions):

  • Troy Robinson commented
    26 Apr, 2019 02:25pm

    This is a game changer for workflow efficiency.

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