Peace & Blessings! It would be awesome to have some feature integrations with Printify, very similar to how you all created the Printful integration for the e-Commerce! I would love to be able to have orders setup in that exact same way, where everything is automatically ported over & processed through the POD (print-on-demand) service. I know that there are so many options for these types of services, & that Printful is a popular one, so I am thankful for that! However, I think it'd be awesome to continue expanding upon those options, & make Printify the next solution integrated for e-commerce!
This would be a tremendous way to help streamline the D2C flow and let us brands focus on the creative side of the house - please integrate
I'd move from my site from shopify to webflow. thanks for considering this feature.
this would be a life changer!
yes please
This would be great!
Please! I had Printify integrated to my Wix website but changed to Webflow and I havent been able to sell my merch all year... :'(
100% for this!
throwing my hand up for Printify Intergration. thx.