Allow dynamic text span content

It's great utilizing dynamic content for blocks of text, however it would be awesome to be able to inject CMS content within a group of non-dynamic text. Right now it's impossible for span content to be linked to dynamic content, and utilizing it within heading tags, for example, requires custom :before/:after code.

  • Mike Yevin
  • Aug 17 2020
  • Reviewed
  • Dakotah Intriglia commented
    19 Oct, 2022 05:48pm

    Need this!!! This would make in-line editing so much easier when dealing with dynamic data.

  • Max PHILLIPS commented
    15 Oct, 2021 05:28pm

    I'm having this issue too. I have a dynamically created review page - one for each review - and I'd like each Page Title to pull from the colleciton list. But it doesn't look like this is possible

  • +7