Images / EU accessability act

Hi Webflow Team,

in order to create fully accessable websites with webflow, I'd like to request that you enable us to provide our users with real image titles and not just ALT attributes. ALT attributes are not relevant according to the EU accessability act, instead TITLE is the preferred attribute.

Especially in designed pages, but in collections with rich text and images, the TITLE should be added as option besides the classic ALT.

Further, you only enable us at this moment to enter custom attributes - this is problematic with a variety of approx some hundred images in our asset library, we'd like to suggest using at least i.e. the ALT description for a TITLE attribute - but not manually. However, webflow is currently not able to connect custom attributes to the ALT name data.

The reason for this request is the mandatory requirement from the BFSG to enable every person to access a website - in effect on June 28th 2025. BFSG stands for the short title "Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz". The full name of the law is the EU Directive 2019/882 on accessibility requirements for products and services and amending other laws.

Details can be found here: EU accesability act

Best regards


  • Mike Schnoor
  • Feb 26 2025
  • Reviewed