Add Keyboard Shortcut to Pages Panel - Option Click on folder to Close All Folders

I love that I can Option + Click on the Styles Panel to close all panels. I really wish this was possible in the Pages Panel.

Every time I exit/re-enter the Designer I have to manually close each folder in the Pages Panel and it takes a lot of time up on large projects with lots of folders.

  • Tim Daff
  • Sep 17 2020
  • Shipped
  • Carson Todd commented
    6 Feb, 2023 08:25am

    I appreciate the knowledge this post provided. I'm grateful. monkey mart

  • Veronica Segura commented
    19 Sep, 2020 11:58am

    Well explained, it is very informative. Just loved the way you have posted the answer. People who like to use a keyboard may be disappointed when they do not find a menu item that does not have a keyboard shortcut. It will also become unproductive to repeatedly use menu items instead of using shortcut keys. Many keyboard shortcuts appear next to the command names in menus. You can use the default InDesign shortcut set or a shortcut set that you create. You can share shortcut sets with others using InDesign on the same platform.

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