I have several clients in Europe (germany and switzerland) and I love Webflow, but they are all very concerned with data privacy and complying to GDPR. Especially now with the current privacy shield solutions. Please, please work on an European hosting so you don't loose valuable customers. I see this issue popping up on so many webflow groups (facebook). More and more freelancers as well as agencies are moving back to WordPress bc of that significant issue.
Wow, five years since this thread was started—crazy! It would be great to have this feature (for all plans 😉).
Make it happen.
its sad when awesome projects fail cause of the Sole reason of Not being hosted EU only. Even aws offers eu only cdn now! We Need this!
Really needed
Still waiting...
For very small companies, it's ok to not be hosted in Europe, for bigger ones, it is mandatory. I wish I could provide Webflow to mi biggest client to really empower their marketing team.
Please do consider this feature !
We often still use Wordpress for the reaseon that there is no EU Hosting option for european customers.
Please add this alongside translations of the Webflow Software to european and international languages like Frensh oder German.
It's important!
we clearly neeeeeeed
As many people already stated - US only hosting is a huge red flag for many clients and the only reason they turn down webflow.... Had that conversation quite a few times already myself - espcially ISO certified clients require that. But please please please do not make this an Enterprise-only feature
Frankly, I’m not particularly interested in an integrated GDPR policy. What I really want is a CDN delivery in Europe. But seriously, is it true that in 2024 the most powerful tool in the world for building websites only has hosting in the US? I just finished a beautiful website for a client, and now I find out that the CDN is only in the US! I hadn’t even thought about it for a minute, I never suspected there wouldn’t be a CDN in Europe! It’s totally crazy. This will add about a second of loading time to every site I create. Truly sad.
Webflow cmon. How is this still thing in 2024. It's harder and harder arguing the value of Webflow to my EU clients (which is most) when they need to pay extra 15-25 euros a month for various integrations to be EU GDPR compliant.
Please please please Webflow - this is a dealbreaker for so many clients in the EU ...
You can do it like ManageWp. There you can choose: North America or Europe as the main hosting location.
Hell yeah, please! So essential!
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