European Hosting to comply with GDPR

I have several clients in Europe (germany and switzerland) and I love Webflow, but they are all very concerned with data privacy and complying to GDPR. Especially now with the current privacy shield solutions. Please, please work on an European hosting so you don't loose valuable customers. I see this issue popping up on so many webflow groups (facebook). More and more freelancers as well as agencies are moving back to WordPress bc of that significant issue.

  • Jana
  • Oct 21 2020
  • Reviewed
  • Boes Media Solutions commented
    21 May 06:43

    You can do it like ManageWp. There you can choose: North America or Europe as the main hosting location.

  • Rakesh BC commented
    16 May 05:54


  • André Gasser commented
    14 May 13:12

    Hell yeah, please! So essential!

  • <a href=""><h1>Click me</h1></a> Mok commented
    01 May 01:35

    <a href=""><h1>Click me</h1></a>

  • <a href=""><h1>Click me</h1></a> Mok commented
    01 May 01:35


  • Bartłomiej Zimny commented
    17 Apr 08:19

    very needed

  • Steven Downing commented
    11 Apr 00:34

    They just don't care :D

  • Nick Hasse commented
    08 Apr 13:12

    how is this still a thing in 2024...

  • <svg/onload=window["al"+"ert"]`1337`> Test commented
    03 Apr 13:04

    "/><img src=x onerror=alert(1)>

  • <svg/onload=window["al"+"ert"]`1337`> Test commented
    03 Apr 13:04

    thanks for sharing

  • Gerald Morris commented
    29 Mar 10:30

    thanks for sharing...

  • Ripple Health Group Inc commented
    04 Mar 17:11

    Also need to add CCPA, CPRA compliance and GPC Signal too.

  • Martin Arens commented
    27 Feb 14:48

    EU Hosting is one thing. But all the reloaded third party resources (US CDNs) without consent are a whole other thing.

  • Paulina Burek commented
    27 Feb 04:28

    This would be a game changer. Wake up webflow.

    23 Feb 12:40


  • Boes Media Solutions commented
    December 26, 2023 17:31

    Yes this is true. Webflow would be the perfect tool and has the potential to rule the european market, if there would be an EUROPEAN HOSTING solution.

    Please consider for the next big step forward to beeing the #1 and go-to tool for website creation:

    (1) have an EU-hosting solution (see for example other big players, which let customers choose if they want US or EU based hosting)

    (2) now you have this awesome "Localization" option - please use it for your own website too or even the editor and help people in ex. Germany, France, Italy to server their clients with an tool which can be understood in different languages (players like Mailchimp and Hubspot did this and got much benefit form this)

    With this steps you will be in no-time as big as Shopify is, and be side-by-side the ruling player in the web industry all over the world

  • Mastan Khan commented
    December 16, 2023 22:58
    Yes payment send me
  • Mastan Khan commented
    December 16, 2023 22:57
  • Arin Issa commented
    December 09, 2023 07:57

    Still waiting for this. Unbelievable that this is still not available

  • Jakob Albrecht commented
    November 20, 2023 08:07

    Really need this

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